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-About the Artist-
Art has always been a part of my life. Even now, as I am currently working in the Architecture/Structural field; where I am able to use the freedom of expression in contemporary and abstract art by combining by my love of structure with my love of painting. I have been also inspired by our beautiful nature environments bringing the outside inside.

As an abstract artist, inspired by nature and architecture, I am lucky to be working alongside architects, developers, interior decorators, galleries, set decoration and more.

-About LDaniels Art-
Established in 2013, LDaniels Art started out as a commission based company. As the years have passed, we have expanded our services. We now offer Print on demand and rentals on Turning Art, Off the Walls Studio Gallery, Knackit.com and other businesses

Just as our services have broadened so has our clientele reach. From originally only serving the west coast, we have now branched out to national and international locations (London).

Artist Statement:
I am an abstract artist that is inspired by the building community and nature. I have been commissioned for most of my work by Interior Designers, and work with developers like West77 Partners for hotels (Hilton Garden Bellevue, WA). I do a lot of commission work and love doing them. Please consider me for commission work and have paintings created just for your colors and style.
I have won many juried competitions and even have representation in London.
Specializing in abstracts, architecture and nature incorporating a range between linear structure and free-flowing emotion to represent the subject I am visualizing. In my subjects I show their beauty, strength and relations to their surroundings.
The abstracts are my emotional expressions of the subjects of buildings and nature in color and mood. My abstracts tend to be simplistic in order for the audience to be inspired by the colors and movements within the paintings.

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